Barcodes are simple but powerful tools that convert information into concise, machine-readable code. Barcodes can be used for checking in and out items, tracking sales transactions, and keeping records of all the data related to stock. But is it suitable for your SMBs? In this guide, let’s look at how barcodes can help your business.

Benefits of Barcodes for SMBs

Automated systems

Barcodes are easy to install and don’t require complicated equipment or software. Barcodes help small business owners automate their inventory systems and reduce errors. They also enable businesses to accurately track their products so they can quickly identify discrepancies in inventory levels and take action accordingly.

Accuracy & Time-Saving

Using barcodes can help small businesses save time and increase accuracy. Barcodes can be scanned, eliminating the need for manual data entry. Barcodes are also more accurate than manual data entry, as a scanner can quickly and easily read them.


Barcodes can also help small businesses save money. Barcode scanners are relatively inexpensive and easy to set up, meaning they offer a great return on the initial investment. They also reduce errors and help streamline the process, saving time and money.

How to Set Up a Barcode System for SMBs

Setting up a barcode system for SMBs is relatively easy, so let’s dive into the steps.

1. Choose Barcode Type

Selecting a barcode system for small businesses from an experienced, qualified provider is crucial to a successful deployment. Barcodes come in different types, such as Universal Product Code (UPC) or Code 128. Choose one that is right for your business.

uniqueproduct codes business logo

Unique Product Codes is a barcode system for small enterprises, inventory, and other business processes. All of the barcodes offered by Unique Product Codes are genuine GS1-issued UPC/EAN, making them suitable for use in any online business, including but not limited to Amazon, eBay, Shopify, Etsy, and many more.

Unique Product Codes offer barcode packages ready to download immediately from your account after you’ve paid for them. Your barcode numbers will be delivered to you in a downloadable spreadsheet, and you’ll also receive PNG pictures of each barcode. 

2. Purchase Barcode Scanner & Printer

Once you have chosen the right barcode type, you must purchase a scanner and printer. Barcode scanners are relatively inexpensive and come in various sizes and shapes. Barcode printers also allow you to print barcodes on labels and tags.

3. Generate Barcode Numbers & Labels

Next, you must generate barcode numbers and labels for your products or services. Barcode generators are available online. You create barcodes quickly in your chosen format or purchase pre-printed barcode labels from third-party vendors.

4. Integrate Barcode System into Your POS or Inventory Management Software

Finally, you need to integrate your barcode system into your point of sale (POS) or inventory management software. This will allow you to track stock levels and ensure all products are accounted for in the system.

Why Use Barcode Systems for Small Businesses?

payment options

Barcode systems are becoming increasingly popular among SMBs as they offer a range of benefits. They are also easy to use and require minimal training, making them ideal for any SMB looking to get started with barcoding quickly and easily.

It is an excellent way for SMBs to stay on top of their inventory, orders, and sales in real-time and can help businesses to thrive and grow.

Wrap Up

Barcodes are an invaluable tool for SMBs that need to track their inventory and ensure accuracy. They can help save time, money, and effort, making it easier for small business owners to keep track of their stock and streamline operations.

With a little know-how and the right setup, your SMBs can start benefiting from barcodes in no time. Good luck.


Model SP 2001 laser hand-held barcode scanner unit manufactured by Spectra Physics (model)

Barcode tagging might seem like a complex process reserved for big businesses and major retailers, but that’s not the case. Instead, barcode tagging is a straightforward and efficient way to keep track of your items – no matter what size your business is.

If you’ve ever been to a store and seen those yellow stickers with black lines, then you’ve seen barcodes in action. But what are they, exactly? How do they work? And more importantly, how can you use them yourself? Here’s everything you need to know about barcode tagging, from what it is to how you can do it yourself.

deliveryman scanning the barcode

Introduction: What is a European Article Number (EAN)?

An EAN is a unique 13-digit number that identifies any product sold in Europe. It can be found on the packaging of an item, or in the checkout process when purchasing online.

The EAN code is an international standard (ISO/IEC 15418) that was introduced to simplify the process of identifying products across borders and languages. The code is used by retailers and manufacturers to identify products for sale or distribution.


There are many barcode guide posts out there, but the topic still seems to be blurry for some. What does a barcode exactly do? Why do you need barcodes to sell products on Amazon? In this ultimate barcode guide, you will learn all these things. Here at Unique Product Codes, we are here to guide you through the step-by-step process of understanding the purpose of barcodes. 


Any business needs an organized system to keep track of the inventory and track logistics. A business as big as Amazon needs a systematic approach to its operations. How do they do that? It’s by using UPC codes for Amazon in the American market. 

This post will benefit all sellers who plan to sell their products on Amazon. In this post, you will learn about the UPC codes for Amazon, what it is used for, why Amazon requires them, where to buy them, and the steps on how to List them on Amazon. 
