European Article Number (EAN) uses the EAN-13 or GTIN-13 code similar to UPC (Universal Product Code). The EAN barcode is a standardized type of barcode marked on almost any kind of commercialized product sold online or in physical stores. EAN Barcode is compatible with the UPCs of Canada, the USA, and the JAN of Japan.
EAN barcode is internationally accepted and some people confuse it with UPC. But both barcodes are different. Choosing the correct type of barcode is essential for any business. The sale of your product on online platforms relies on EAN barcodes. In this post, you will understand the uses of EAN barcode, the variants, their parts, and where to buy EAN barcodes.
What Do You Need An EAN Code For?
Do you sell products through Amazon, eBay, or any international market? You will need EAN barcodes marked on your products. If you want to sell any kind of product in the global market, the recommended barcode is EAN-13. The EAN-13 is a widely accepted barcode in North America and many countries globally.
The EAN is a barcode symbol and numbering system used in the global trade to identify a specific product type and monitor a package. Suppose you plan to sell a product on Amazon; the fulfillment center will require your products to have barcodes. If your products do not have barcodes, Amazon will return your products, and you can’t make any sales.
What Are EAN Variants?
You must wonder if there is only one kind of EAN, but there are several variants. Below are the EAN variants and a short description and their uses.
- EAN8: The EAN8 code consists of eight digits and used to identify the product’s manufacturer. This type of variant is for small products that have limited space for labeling.
- EAN8 P2: This type of variant is for paperbacks and magazines. This type of barcode does not include the price of the product.
- EAN8 P5: This code variant has five digits also used for paperbacks and magazines. Also, this EAN variant indicates the product’s price.
- EAN13: This is the classic EAN code with complete GTIN encryption. This is the usual EAN variant to mark products sold in retail stores or supermarkets.
- EAN13 P2: This is for paperbacks and magazines that need supplementation with additional digits.
- EAN13 P5: The EAN13 P5 variant supplements the other code EAN13 with five digits. For paperbacks and magazines, the numbers in this type of EAN indicate the price of the product.
- EAN14: The EAN 14 variant has 14 digits. The first number is the special Packaging Indicator. The following two digits are the predefined data identifier.
- EAN128 (aka GS1-128): This type of variant offers universal application possibilities. EAN 128 is for logistics, retail, mail order, food labeling, and many more.
What Are The Parts Of A EAN Barcode?
The parts of EAN codes consist of 13 digits. First, the first three digits of the EAN (aka GS1 Prefix) is the Country Code. The country code does not indicate the country of the product manufacturing.
Second, the next four digits (4th to 7th) are the GS1 Prefix or the Company Prefix assigned to the product manufacturer. Next, the 8th to 12th digit is the Product Number. The Product Number attributes to the product sold. Lastly, the 13th number of the EAN code is the Check Digit. This Check Digit ensures that the EAN barcode has a correct barcode and scanned correctly.
Do I Need My Label To Have The Barcode Image?
Online sellers that directly ship their products to the customers do not need to add an EAN bar code. However, if the product was purchased through an online platform like Amazon or eBay, it must have EAN barcodes to track the package quickly. However, if you wish to expand your business by selling through Amazon, you will need EAN barcodes from barcode resellers like Unique Product Codes.
Why Choose Unique Product Codes for EAN Barcode?
Here at Unique product codes, we ensure every barcode is unique, valid, and affordable. We have created a system where every EAN barcode order was created beforehand, and you can readily purchase. Furthermore, if you buy from us, you will have perpetual ownership of these barcodes with unlimited download opportunities. So whether you’re selling ointments or creams for Escharotic Therapy, or a book, or magazine, you’re going to need EAN barcodes. Contact us now for your barcode needs!